E Efforts To Increase Mental Cadre Capacity Through Education And Therapy Training For Group Activities At Posyandu Mawar Agung Ceporan,Gantiwarno, Klaten


  • Suyamto Suyamto Yamto Stikes Notokusumo




Upaya Peningkatan Kapasitas Kader Jiwa Melalui Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Terapi Aktivitas Kelompok Di Posyandu Mawar Agung Ceporan, Gantiwarno, Klaten


Program Studi D3 Keperawatan, STIKES Notokusumo Yogyakarta

Email Korespondensi: [email protected]


Penderita gangguan jiwa di Desa Ceporan berdasarkan hasil pendataan  yang diperoleh melalui koordinator kader jiwa terbanyak di Kabupaten Klaten Jawa Tengah sebanyak 19 penderita gangguan jiwa, dengan banyaknya penderita gangguan jiwa berpengaruh terhadap stigma masyarakat terhadap keluarga dan pasien gangguan jiwa itu sendiri. Berdasarkan banyaknya penderita gangguan jiwa di Posyandu Mawar Agung sudah terbentuk kader jiwa sebanyak 19 kader jiwa dimana setiap satu kader jiwa bertanggung jawab terhadap 1 penderita. Dengan  banyaknya penderita gangguan jiwa tersebut sudah di imbangi dengan jumlah kader, melihat kuantitas kader sudah memenuhi dalam pendampingan penderita, tetapi belum di imbangi dengan kualitas dari kader posyandu jiwa tersebut. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah meningkat kualitas kader jiwa di Posyandu mawar Agung. Oleh karena itu, dalam  rangka meningkatkan kualitas kader jiwa di Posyandu Mawar Agung maka perlu adanya peningkatan pendidikan dan pelatihan kader jiwa dengan kegiatan Pelatihan tentang Terapi Aktifitas Kelompok (TAK) yang dilakukan pada tanggal 28-29 April 2021 Terapi aktivitas kelompok dibagi menjadi empat, yaitu terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi persepsi, terapi aktivitas kelompok stimulasi sensoris, terapi aktivitas kelompok sosialisasi dan terapi aktivitas kelompok orientasi realitas (Yosep, 2013). Pendidikan dan Pelatihan  ini diadakan dengan dua tahapan: Tahap 1 dengan  pendidikan Terapi Aktifitas Kelompok pada kader jiwa di Posyandu Mawar Agung dan Tahap 2 dengan pelatihan Terapi Aktifitas Kelompok pada kader jiwa di Posyandu Mawar Agung.


Kata Kunci   :Pendidikan, Pelatihan Terapi Aktifitas Kelompok(TAK), Kader, Posyandu



Efforts To Increase Mental Cadre Capacity Through Education And Therapy Training For Group Activities At Posyandu Mawar Agung Ceporan,Gantiwarno, Klaten



D3 Nursing Study Program, STIKES Notokusumo Yogyakarta

Correspondence Email: [email protected]



People with mental disorders in Ceporan Village based on the results of data collection obtained through the coordinator of the most mental cadres in Klaten Regency, Central Java, as many as 19 people with mental disorders, with the large number of people with mental disorders affecting the community's stigma towards their families and patients with mental disorders themselves. Based on the number of people with mental disorders at the Mawar Agung Posyandu, 19 soul cadres have been formed where each soul cadre is responsible for 1 patient. With the large number of people with mental disorders, it has been balanced with the number of cadres, seeing the quantity of cadres has fulfilled the assistance for patients, but it has not been balanced with the quality of the mental health posyandu cadres. The purpose of this community service is to improve the quality of soul cadres at the Posyandu Mawar Agung. Therefore, in order to improve the quality of soul cadres at the Mawar Agung Posyandu, it is necessary to increase the education and training of mental cadres with the Training on Group Activity Therapy (TAK) which will be held on 28-29 April 2021. Group activity therapy is divided into four, namely perceptual stimulation group activity therapy, sensory stimulation group activity therapy, socialization group activity therapy and reality orientation group activity therapy (Yosep, 2013). This education and training was held in two stages: Phase 1 with Group Activity Therapy education for mental cadres at Posyandu Mawar Agung and Phase 2 with training in Group Activity Therapy for mental cadres at Posyandu Mawar Agung.


Keywords: Education, Group Activity Therapy Training (TAK), Cadres, Posyandu


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Cara Mengutip

Yamto, S. S. (2021). E Efforts To Increase Mental Cadre Capacity Through Education And Therapy Training For Group Activities At Posyandu Mawar Agung Ceporan,Gantiwarno, Klaten. Abdimas Medika, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.35728/pengmas.v2i2.695